Your name here!

Laing-Peach's Somersby Springs can offer YOU the unique and powerful promotional & sales weapon of "Signature Spring Water Bottling"
Your Name on Your Spring Water Bottles
Potent, Powerhouse, Promotion
(and something Special the Big spring water companies can't offer you
- because they can't offer such limited economy of scale production)
Perfect for Complimentary & Corporate Giveaways to Special Clients Customer Relations Charity Fundraising Sporting Fundraising School Fundraising Media Promotions - Radio, TV, Point of Sale Mall promos
What would this cost you? - surprisingly little - but great value
Start-up packages, including your artwork set-up
1 x pallet of 60 x 24 600ml Sportscap (pop-top) bottle cartons
(= 1440 bottles) delivered to Sydney area (Free Into Store) Run-ons at much reduced rate Total of start-up package = $2860.00 (1440 bottles can be sold - retail - at min $3.00 = $4320.00) Contact James on 0433 120033
Signature Spring Water Bottles - They're Cool!